[BSW] Graduate student seeks information from conservation practitioners associated with the Botanical Society of Washington

KATHY BILTON kathy at fred.net
Tue Jan 19 15:10:07 CST 2021

Our recent president received an email from a student looking for help in 
her research.  Please contact her directly if you can and wish to assist 
From: Ashley Rohde <ashley.rohde at aggiemail.usu.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2021 3:16 PM
To: Wiersema, John <WiersemaJ at si.edu>
Subject: Graduate student seeks information from conservation practitioners
associated with the Botanical Society of Washington  

   Ashley Rohde <ashley.rohde at aggiemail.usu.edu>

Hello Dr. Wiersama,

My name is Ashley Rohde and I am a graduate student at Utah State University. I'm
reaching out to you to ask for your help in contacting other members of the
Botanical Society of Washington. As part of my dissertation research, I am
conducting a survey to determine how much conservation stakeholders trust and
utilize results from molecular studies for conservation applications, as opposed to
the results of more traditional abundance-based studies.   Molecular techniques are
being used increasingly commonly in these types of studies and are likely to
continue to become more popular.  My research will help to inform the best ways to
present the results from molecular studies within the context of conservation
science. In particular, I am interested in the likelihood that practitioners with
varying levels of molecular training will understand and use the results of
molecular studies to inform conservation actions. The Institutional Review Board
(IRB) for the protection of human research participants at Utah State University has
reviewed and approved this study as protocol #9724.  

I am focusing my sampling efforts on researchers, land managers, and volunteer
conservation practitioners who actively participate in conservation activities.  As
the current president of the Botanical Society of Washington, you are in a unique
position to really get the word out about my study. I am reaching out to you to ask
for your help to encourage your organization to participate in this survey.  Please
respond to this email at your earliest convenience.  I would be happy to answer any
questions that you have about the project and to provide you with materials to send
to members of your society.  Thank you!  I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Ashley Rohde

Student Researcher, PhD candidate

Department of Wildland Resources

a.t.rohde at hotmail.com


Dr. Karen Mock

Primary Investigator


Department of Wildland Resources

Karen.mock at usu.edu

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