[BSW] In search of some botanical trivia questions for the Holiday Zoom Meeting

KATHY BILTON kathy at fred.net
Mon Nov 29 09:04:34 CST 2021

Hope you've had a good holiday weekend!

Our holiday Zoom is coming up in just over a week and we're inviting you 
to submit some botanical trivia questions (and the answers) that we can 
use for a botanically themed quiz before the presidential address.  PRIZES 
will be not only awarded but mailed to your home (or office)!

Please email your trivia question(s) to Robin or Kathy.
Robin Everly  - EverlyR at si.edu
Kathy Bilton  - kathy at fred.net

Here is a flier with the topic and a Zoom link. More specifics will be 
sent out in the next couple of days. There will be a google doc to RSVP so 
we'll know how many are planning to attend.


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