[BSW] Public online meeting today at 4pm regarding MAGLEV project

KATHY BILTON kathy at fred.net
Wed Sep 9 09:45:11 CDT 2020

Jane Hill sent word of a meeting this afternoon at 4PM regarding the river 
and stream impacts of the proposed MAGLEV project.  (Link for Google meet 
is below.)

From: Droege, Sam <sdroege at usgs.gov>


You might want to attend this public meeting.   Its for the Patuxent
River Commission, it puts me and the refuge manager (Jennifer Greiner)
up against the VP of the MAGLEV corporation, talking about river /
stream impacts.  We did this once before.  The VP went first and
basically did nothing more give their standard MAGLEV powerpoint and
tagged on that they would make sure they followed all the rules about
runoff etc.  I came after and told everyone what would be lost and
that there was no way these losses could be justified or mitigated and
went into all the reasons these areas are special for the people of
the area.  They were caught off guard and had no real come backs other
than the pat on the head that "I had a lot of passion".  This time
should be different, with MAGLEV likely geared up for a more focused
presentation and local politicians and the commission in attendance
and also ready with more questions.....it might be your only chance to
see the corporation in action and how they are responding to the
concerns of federal properties.  You can also post questions in the
"chat" feature if things come up that you want more answers to.

Feel free to spread around to others who may be interested...again, I
specifically asked if the meeting was open from the organizers, they
affirmed this was the case and that the zoom features below were the
correct ones.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jason Dubow -MDP- <jason.dubow at maryland.gov>
Date: Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 1:00 PM
Subject: agenda: 9/9 Patuxent River Commission mtg
To: Jason Dubow -MDP- <jason.dubow at maryland.gov>

Dear Patuxent River Commissioners,

Our next meeting is virtual using Google Meet and will be from 4 p.m. to 6 
p.m. on September 9.

1. The agenda is attached.

2. To participate, use the URL at:


or call in at:

PIN: ‪285 461 069 1397#

If you are calling in, you will need to use *6 on your phone to mute and 

3. We will send out the draft August meeting minutes early next week.

4. Current vacancies are watermen and federal facility.

5. For reference, also attached are the Commission's by-laws.

6. Recent news of interest:

PFAS article in Bay Journal

Howard County purchase of Savage remainder property

7. Lastly, below is guidance to: (a) reduce background noise; (b) 
facilitate meeting participation overall.

  reduce background noise:

  headphones or earbuds rather than using the phone speaker or computer 
speakers (to significantly cut down on feedback).

  your phone or microphone when you are not speaking.

  do not put your phone on speaker, especially when you are about to speak.

  Hangouts Meet has a chat function on the right side that you can use to 
make a statement without having to unmute and speak.

  guidance to facilitate meeting participation:

  Chair provided the following guidance for participating in the 8/12 
Patuxent River Commission meeting:

  support staff will prompt the Chair/Vice Chair when it is time to start 
the meeting.

  meeting will continue per usual with calling of the 
roll/representation/opening comments, voting on previous minutes.

  Commissioners/attendees will need to state their name prior to making a 
comment, asking a question, or making a motion, this is imperative for the 
record — the Chair/Vice Chair will recognize the speaker; motions can only 
be made/seconded/voted on by Commissioners.

  our speakers and hold questions until the end of their presentation.

  Planning support staff will be responsible for keeping the Chair/Vice 
Chair/meeting on schedule.

  an issue requires a letter, either the consensus will be that the 
Chair/Vice Chair can send a general letter, or a more specific letter will 
be drafted and sent to the Commissioners for their concurrence/comments 
using email voting buttons - turnaround will
  be five work days.

  an issue needs to be voted on, the Chair/Vice Chair will entertain a 
motion for a vote. As this is a virtual meeting, the Planning support 
staff will call each Commissioner’s name and the response will be yes, no 
or abstain.

  Chair/Vice Chair will close the meeting.


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