[BSW] Reminder: Next meeting coming up this Tuesday, June 6 at 7pm + Misc.

KATHY BILTON kathy at fred.net
Sat Jun 3 19:27:58 CDT 2023

At the June 6 meeting, the speaker will be Dr. Caren Chang,
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland

Her topic:
Ethylene Hormone Signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana

Meeting ID: 851 4061 2491   Passcode: 640159

Flier: http://botsoc.org/jun23.pdf

The meeting will start at 7 with doors opening by 6:45.

About the talk:

Ethylene is a gaseous plant hormone that has profound effects on plant 
growth and development. Flowering plants produce ethylene from a molecule 
called 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). Given that ACC is 
much easier to work with than ethylene gas, scientists often treat plants 
with ACC in order to induce ethylene responses. However, recent evidence 
tells us that ACC can unexpectedly trigger responses in plants that are 
distinct from those induced by ethylene. This raises the interesting 
possibility that ACC itself is a signal in plants with ramifications for 
the use of ACC as a substitute for ethylene. Evolutionarily, we find that 
ACC may have served as a signal prior to acquiring its role as the 
ethylene precursor in seed plants. This seminar will present some of the 
supporting evidence we found in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha and 
the small flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana, in the context of the 
emerging evolutionary history of ethylene as a plant hormone.


The next BSW meeting will be in September and, as has been the custom, it 
will be Members' Night. So mark your calendars for September 5 and think 
about doing a brief presentation.


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