[BSW] Reminder: Zoom tonight at 7 - Plant conservation in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

KATHY BILTON kathy at fred.net
Tue Oct 6 15:23:17 CDT 2020

Note, several will be assigned to be co-hosts so that they can admit 
people to the room.  While we have not had any issues with Zoombombing in 
our previous meetings, it was thought that having a waiting room would be 
a good idea to prevent it.

>From Robin:

Hi All,

This looks like an interesting presentation which will be broadcast from
San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Please join us for our 1011th meeting, our fifth using the Zoom platform.

Topic: Plant conservation in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

Presentation by: Christian Torres-Santana, Senior Horticulturist, 
and ISA Certified Arborist


Time: October 6, 2020 at 07:00 PM Eastern Time/ (GMT-4)

Please feel free to join in about 15 minutes before 7:00 pm, so we can
socialize a bit before the meeting and presentation.

Meeting ID: 964 136 3468
Passcode: 8xiRYv

By phone:  301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Passcode for phone:  716452

We will be using the waiting room feature for this meeting, so if you are 
new to our meetings and the Smithsonian ( We may not know you), please 
email Robin Everly at EverlyR at si.edu, before the meeting so you will be 
allowed into the meeting.

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