[BSW] This will probably not be a surprise - 4/7 meeting is cancelled + Misc.

KATHY BILTON kathy at fred.net
Fri Mar 13 16:52:37 CDT 2020

The Smithsonian museums are closed until further notice and our meeting 
scheduled for April 7 will not be able to take place.

Nothing has yet been decided about the field trips which were to take 
place, tentatively on March 28, April 4 and April 11.


In the meantime, here is something that doesn't require one to leave one's 

A New York Botanical Garden project called Transcribing Torrey is asking 
volunteers to decipher the notes and correspondence of one of the most 
prominent botanists of the 1800s, John Torrey.



ABC Presents James A. Duke Botanical Literature Award to Authoritative 
Text on Voynich Codex — ‘World’s Most Mysterious’ Plant Book



An exploration of women in botany and more



Reviving interest in botany is this govt school’s mission


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