[BSW] June 4 Celebration at the National Arboretum!

KATHY BILTON kathy at fred.net
Fri May 17 12:20:52 CDT 2019

All are invited to our special celebratory 1000th meeting which will take place 
at the U.S. National Arboretum on Tuesday, June 4.

Here is a page with information about the event:
(It is linked from the main BSW page.)

Here is a Flier for the 1000th Meeting Celebration which you are encouraged to 
print and post: http://botsoc.org/june19.pdf

4:00-5:00p Arboretum walks
5:00-6:00p Social
6:00-7:00p Banquet/potluck dinner
7:00-8:00p Speaker: Richard Olsen, Director of the United States National 

Get there earlier than 4pm to give yourself more of an opportunity to explore 
the Arboretum!

Sign up here to say what you will be bringing to the potluck:

A page for helping out with ridesharing has been set up:
(It is also linked from the main sign-up sheet.)

Directions to the U.S.N.A.: 

The Arboretum's mobile app:


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