[BSW] Obituary for Laurie Eyde + Memorial get-together on August 3.

KATHY BILTON kathy at fred.net
Thu Jul 18 10:07:04 CDT 2019

With sadness I report that I learned from Marion Lobstein that Laurie Eyde 
passed away a week ago.  There will be a memorial get-together at her 
house in Arlington on Saturday, August 3, put on by her son, Dana, and a 
long time friend of Laurie's, Mary McCutcheon.


Memorial for Laurie Eyde on Saturday, August 3rd, Noon-4 p.m.

       The memorial service for Laurie will be on Saturday, August 3rd,
       Noon to 4 p.m.  There will be the memorial get-together at
       Lorraine's house, 2400 S. Arlington Ridge Road.  And if
       you can't come because of the distance to Arlington, or
       other circumstances, don't worry: we know you loved
       Lorraine; really.

--  There will be some platters of food from German Gourmet
(from out at Bailey's Crossroads) because that is what Lorraine
would have wanted

-- We'll have some selections of beer and wine and a few kinds
of soda/pop/fizzy.

-- It may be really hot out, but if 24th St (the little dead end
next to  he house) is pretty full with cars (from the neighbors,
etc) the younger or more fit will want to park on Meade St to
the north and then walk north on Meade to where it hits Ridge Rd
then walk down).  

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